How To Get Rid Of Ants On Your Norfolk Property

Don't get stressed out, call PESTOUT®
ants eating cake in the kitchen

Knowing where to start with ant removal is maddening. Oftentimes we think we have chosen the correct solution, only to have ‘Ant Invasion: The Sequel’ the very next morning. Trying to do this on your own is just too much! Like you don’t have more important things to do! Ballet class, Little League, and doctor’s appointments, just to name a few. The folks at PESTOUT have 30 years of ant invasion experience. Let them do the work for you.

Common Area Ants

  • Carpenter ant - Solid black or brown, or combination of black and red-orange. ¼-½ inch. Mostly nocturnal, nesting in hollow trees and large fallen branches, but have been known to nest in hollow doors. They do not sting, but will bite.
  • Odorous ant - Blackish brown, 1/16 - ⅛ inch. They produce a licorice-like odor when crushed.
  • Pavement ant - Brownish-black. They get their name because they make their homes under sidewalks and concrete slabs.
  • Little black ant - Black, and 1/16 inch long. They will make their nest in a safe area, such as under a large rock.

And these are just the most common! The number of ants per colony varies by species, so we’ll lowball the estimate and say 1000. If every home in Norfolk has just one colony, the number of ants in the city limits is staggering. That’s not even counting businesses, fields, and parks.

Why Is It So Hard To Get Rid Of Ants? 

Ants are resilient, and hard to get rid of. They are social insects, which means they live in large colonies with thousands of other ants. The quantity of ants alone is enough to make eradication difficult. At the slightest threat, they are prepared to evacuate the colony and relocate. This evasion technique serves them well, protecting them not only from natural predators, but from aggravated homeowners as well. 

This is why knowing the species of ant that is invading your home is important. It’s sort of like knowing your enemy. Once you have established the type of ant, then you have a better understanding of how, when, where, and why they thrive. This is a vital piece of intel in the war on ants. You need proper ammo and attack strategy for each species. This is why calling in the team from PESTOUT will be so much easier and cheaper in the long run.
There are hundreds of over-the-counter ant control pesticides and DIY methods that you can try, but they always have the same results: the ants come back, again and again.

Ant Control Program 

PESTOUT is proud of our Four Season Quarterly program, designed to keep the ants away for good, followed up with our Triple Zone Barrier technique. Give us a call today to set up a free estimate for our ant control services.

Prevention Tips 

Ant prevention can prove difficult, but with these few prevention tips and PESTOUT’s ongoing assistance, you can keep them away.

  • Tighten up any leaky pipes, and cover them with insulation to avoid condensation.
  • Plug up all the holes that you can find in your home.
  • Keep food in plastic, airtight containers with seals. Ants are tricky, and can follow the spiral threads up into a tightly screwed-on lid to gain entry.
  • Clean up any debris or fallen trees around your home.
  • Use peppermint oil as a deterrent at entry points.
  • Take out garbage frequently.

Do what you can by following these tips, and we will do the rest! You’ve got this! A pest-free weekend is right around the corner.