Are They Flying Ants or Flying Termites?

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Not all winged bugs are created equal, and this holds true for flying ants versus termites. Why are we making a comparison? Because as the weather gets warmer this time of year, you may see flying bugs in and around your home, and it’s important to know what bug is flying around. Is it something to worry about? It all depends on the type of bug.

How will you know? First, Let’s compare the anatomy.

  • Both have wings but different sizes and shapes. Wings of termites are more uniform in their size and 2 times the size of their body. The wings of flying ants are larger in the front, more proportionate to their bodies, and shorter.
  • Flying ants are thinner at the waist, making them appear segmented. A Termite’s body is more equal in width.
  • When you look at their antennae, the flying ant’s is crocked like an elbow, while a termite’s antennae are virtually straight.
  • Termites do not have eyes, but flying ants have two eyes, one on each side.
  • Any ant can be a flying ant and flying termites and ants are called swarmers, flying ants and termites are a reproductive cast of the colony and the term swarmers could be applied to ether insect.
  • They are similar in their purpose. Both Termite swarmers and flying ants' purpose is are out to reproduce and build new colonies.
  • Flying ants wait to come out when the temperatures get and stay warmer with low winds, bright sun, and high humidity. Flying termites also need the consistently warmer temperatures.

So, are you ready to get up close to see the differences? Probably not! Read on and we’ll help you out!

Which pest is worse?

Somewhere the fact that 85% of the time that termites are active in a home; they will be hidden from view. Discuss the reasons why this is inherent in their biology.

Both depending on the species, flying ants and flying termites can cause damage to your home, and they are both attracted to moisture. You should check around your home, both inside and out, especially at ground level. If you have a raised foundation, go into your crawl space to check for damp wood or visible mud tubes along the walls and beams.

The Top 4 Reasons You’ll know if it’s time to call a Pest Professional:

1. You see the ant and termite swarmers.
2. You have a huge increase in pest occurrences and are not sure how to deal with it.
3. You walk from your car to your front door and get bit by mosquitos.
4. You are getting ready to sell your house and want to make sure you don’t have any problems.

Don’t delay. They can quickly start a colony and do a lot of damage.

Health Problems

We’ve talked about the physical damage, but now it’s time to talk about the potential health problems. Termites can cause health problems for people prone to allergies or asthma. Termite pellets can be harmful if it makes contact with your skin and causes an allergic reaction. Because termites thrive in moisture damp wood, they can come into contact with mold and have the potential to spread the mold. Flying Ants can bite, but they are not poisonous. Like flying termites, their main goal is to mate.

Now back to getting up close to these flying pests.

The solution is the same whether you have flying ants or flying termites. They want to mate and start new colonies. You see them, call PESTOUT to come and inspect your home. We will go into the crawl space and inspect your attic and roof. No need for you to get into your crawl space or get close enough to tell the difference between the pests. Let the professionals take care of your problem and discuss preventative measures.