Why Is It So Hard To Keep Mice Out Of My Chesapeake Home?

Don't get stressed out, call PESTOUT®
a mouse peaking its head through a hole in a house

Insects and other creatures are unwelcome visitors in Chesapeake. Their unsightly appearance scares people, and many pose great threats to humans. Some species can bite, sting, scratch, or inject venom. Bees, wasps, and wild squirrels are examples. Others can transmit diseases, such as mosquitoes and roaches. Mosquitoes suck the blood of animals and humans, leaving them open to a plethora of illnesses. These factors in mind, dealing with pests around your home or business can be very distressing. To make situations worse, some critters are persistent and reproduce at a rapid rate. This is the case with rodents like mice.

Mice aren’t as precious and harmless as their cartoon counterparts on television. They are very destructive and dangerous pests. Get an understanding of why these creatures are tough to get rid of, ways to prevent them, and how PESTOUT can eliminate them for you.

The Appearance, Behavior, & Risks of Mice

As their name indicates, house mice are prevalent inside properties. The biggest they get is about seven inches long. Short brown, black, or gray fur covers their bodies. Their tummy space will be noticeably lighter. Having pliable frames, these critters can come through any size hole to get to a dark and damp place in your home or business. If it’s also quiet and warm, it will be especially ideal for them. You’re liable to find them nesting in basements, cabinets, and wall cracks. If you reside or work near a woody or grassy field, mice will no doubt be a problem.
If nothing else, mice are trouble for two main reasons: property damage and disease. Structures and wires are at risk because these pests have to constantly chew on things to file their teeth. Gnawing on cords can create a risk for electrical outage or fire. Even the residue mice leave behind can be dangerous. Their hair, urine, and feces contain parasites and bacteria. They pick up even more germs foraging through dirt and waste. As they run about in food and on surfaces, they contaminate it. You, your loved ones, or employees could develop conditions like hantavirus, salmonella, and/or lymphocytic choriomeningitis if exposed to a mouse infestation.

Signs of infestation include:

  • Finding droppings shaped like a rod with pointed ends
  • Spotting footprints; house mice have four front toes and five back toes
  • Hearing noises behind walls, such as squeaking and scratching sounds
  • Seeing teeth and bite marks on walls and cords
  • An enduring foul odor in the air

Preventing Mice

It’s worth reiterating that mice can easily get indoors, and they multiply quickly. This is why it’s so incredibly hard to keep them out. That said, being proactive about prevention is critical. The most essential facets in rodent deterrence are removing their food source and opportunities for entry:

  • Store food and trash should in containers with tight lids.
  • Repair leaks and other moisture issues.
  • Seal gaps around doors, windows, and foundations.
  • Keep plants, flowers, and other greenery at least two feet away from exterior doors.
  • Clean gutters regularly.
  • Reduce clutter.

PESTOUT Mouse Extermination

At PESTOUT, we offer an array of specialized and targeted control services. Mice extermination isn’t simple and solutions are never “one size fits all”. Considering this, you shouldn’t try to take on rodents independently. These animals live in difficult to reach places, and traps have to set in specific areas to be effective. A retail pesticide won’t do the trick either, because it won’t remedy entrances. Further, it’s unsafe to handle mice or their waste. Let us do the heavy lifting with our advanced tools. Call today for a comprehensive courtesy inspection!

Call PESTOUT today for your courtesy comprehensive inspection or to schedule a service