What Every Virginia Beach Homeowner Needs To Know About Moisture Control

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Have you ever gotten a deep cut—the kind that requires stitches? What would have happened to that wound if you only put a bandaid on it? It could have developed into something serious, right? Often, we allow something serious to happen to our homes because we just put a bandaid on problems when we see them. If you find ants in your home, you may vacuum them up or spray them into oblivion. If you have silverfish in your bathroom, you may seal gaps and cracks on the inside and outside of your home to keep those pests out. If you discover termites, you may invest in termite treatments. These are all examples of how you can put a bandaid on pests problems. But if you don't address the core issues, you can continue to have problems with pests, and those problems can become serious. Moisture is often at the root of pest problems. If moisture issues are not addressed, they can be an ongoing attractant for pests, and also lead to other problems, like fungus and mold. Here's how it works.

The Moisture Problem

In the Virginia Beach area, structures are prone to flooding and conditions of high humidity. When wood gets damp, fungus spores are able to attach. These spores lead to wood rot. When wood rot begins, many pests including termites, carpenter ants, mice, and rats will take notice. Soft, decaying wood is attractive to many wood-destroying pests. Damp wood will also increase humidity levels which will attract a long list of moisture pests, such as silverfish, centipedes, cockroaches, earwigs, and many more. If the moisture persists, these pests will increase their activity and grow their populations.

Where Moisture Problems Occur

Most often, moisture will dampen exterior structures, like your deck, porch, patio, or stairs, and make them vulnerable to damage caused by organisms. These are the most likely locations you'll find rotting wood. But moisture and dampness can get into a home. Condensation can form on interior cellar or basement walls, dampness can occur in a crawl space under your home, and moisture can get into your wall voids.

How Do You Test For Moisture?

A meter can be used for detecting moisture and tracking down moist areas that are conducive for pest activity. Meters are able to give you a percentage of moisture present. If the percentage is between 16 and 20 percent, we will recommend that a moisture barrier be applied to the soil of a crawl space or a preventative treatment be applied to resist the development of wood-decaying fungus. If the moisture percentage is 21 to 28 percent, we strongly recommend full encapsulation.


Having a moist or damp crawl space can have serious implications for your Virginia Beach home, and for the health of your family. Encapsulation puts a barrier of protection in place to keep moisture out. It may include a polyethylene moisture barrier, drainage system, sump pumps, self-monitored moisture evacuation system, dehumidifiers, or a combination of these. When your crawl space or cellar are encapsulated, it will:

  • Protect the wood of your home from wood-destroying pests
  • Deter moisture pests from getting inside your home
  • Prevent mold and mildew and protect the health of your family
  • Increase the air quality inside your home
  • Lower your energy bills
  • Increase the value of your home, should you ever choose to sell it
  • Possibly allow you to use the dry space as an additional storage area

How We Can Help

At PESTOUT, we specialize in moisture control because we understand the threat moisture presents to homes in the Virginia Beach area. Contact us to schedule a moisture inspection. We'll use the findings of this initial inspection to give you options that will work to protect the equity of your home and the health of your family. We're standing by to help.

Call PESTOUT today for your courtesy comprehensive inspection or to schedule a service