Ant Identification Guide

What are ants?

Ants are small insects that live and work together in large groups. They all have six legs, three distinct body regions, two bent antennae, and chewing mouthparts. The reproductive members of the colony have wings. Depending on their species, they vary in size and color: black, brown, red, yellow, or a combination of colors. 

ants eating sugar

One of the most prevalent pests to invade homes and businesses throughout the country, ants are difficult to prevent and eliminate. Ants that live outside and away from people and structures are beneficial, helping to control populations of other insects and feeding on decaying organic matter. They only become pests when they invade our yards, homes, and businesses.

Are ants dangerous?

Most ant species that you come across are nuisance pests and pose no danger to people, pets, or property. Dangerous ants are those species of ants that cause structural damage, spread disease-causing pathogens, or bite/sting.

Whether ants are dangerous or nuisance pests, none should live inside our homes or businesses. Ants contaminate food and surfaces with the bacteria they carry on their bodies and legs. 

Why do I have an ant problem?

Ants find their way onto properties that offer them access to food sources. Ants forage for food in the following places:

  • Garbage cans and recycling bins

  • Gardens and compost areas

  • Pet food bowls

  • Outdoor eating areas

As they are moving around your yard foraging for food or searching for a place to escape harsh weather, they find their way indoors. Ants enter through cracks in exterior walls, openings in the foundation, or spaces under doors or utilities coming into your home.

Where will I find ants?

Outside, ants nest in a variety of locations, including the moist soil under the ground, inside of woodpiles, under debris, in fallen trees, or at ground level. They nest in dark wooded areas, areas around bodies of water, open sunny spots, and near the foundation of buildings. Inside, ants place their nests in quiet, hard to reach areas like under floors, behind walls, inside insulation, above ceilings, or behind large appliances.

How do I get rid of ants?

To solve your ant problem, it is best to partner with a professional. PESTOUT® is committed to getting rid of ants and other pests, and keeping them out! Here at PESTOUT®, we are a family-owned company dedicated to serving the needs of our residential and commercial customers.

Our friendly professionals utilize advanced technologies to deliver the comprehensive home pest control services needed to solve pest problems in Hampton Roads Virginia. If you would like to learn more about implementing our ant control services into your Virginia home or business, reach out to PESTOUT® today. One call controls them all!

How can I prevent ants in the future?

Prevent problems with ants by implementing the following prevention tips in and around your Virginia home:

  • Inspect the exterior of your home, eliminating any entry points you find.

  • Place mesh covers over vents.

  • Use tight-fitting or locking lids on all trash cans, recycling bins, and compost bins.

  • Eliminate water sources in and around your home by repairing leaky pipes and fixtures and maintaining your gutters.

  • Use dehumidifiers and air conditioners to reduce moisture levels in your house.

  • Keep your floors vacuumed.

  • Always keep food in the refrigerator or containers with air-tight lids, never out on counters or tables.


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